Choral reading sometimes works as a way of getting students to pay closer attention to an important document, e.g. the Declaration of Independence. Give the students the selection you want them to concentrate on and divide them into groups of six-eight. Choose a director for each group, and explain that the group's job is to come up with an interesting way of presenting the selection. The selection can be divided into solo parts, duets, and trios or into parts for two semi-choruses. Students may have some difficulty at first. Letting the students listen to a recording of Vachel Lindsay reading his poems is a good way to get them started.
Wow! What a great idea. I'm Secretary of the Vachel Lindsay Association and I have to ask where in the world did you obtain a recording of VL reading his poetry? We only know of a few copies ourselves, and they are closely held by libraries.
I'm sure Lindsay's granddaughter, Louisa Lindsay-Sprouse, would be thrilled to read your post. The VLA has brought her to Springfield, Illinois several times to hold creative writing workshops for the students at Vachel Lindsay Elementary School.
Thanks for bringing Lindsay to your students. You must be a very special teacher, indeed.
Visit us sometime at our VL blog.
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