History Hangman

Draw the "hangman" on the board and divide the class into small groups. Use significant people, places, and events from the unit you are teaching!
Example: If you are studying the1960's: The Groovy 60's Timeline offers plenty of material for creating important questions!
You can use any of the items on the timeline as a puzzle. For each puzzle tell the students whether it is a person, place, thing, etc.
Groups take turns guessing letters each time a team picks a letter for the puzzle that is NOT there they lose their turn and the hangman gets a body part! If a team decides to guess the puzzle during their turn and get it right they are awarded 10 points if they get it wrong they are out of the game for that round. If the hangman is finished before the puzzle is guessed, points are awarded to the teacher! Points go up after each round (1st round= 10 points, 2nd round=20...) the team with the most points at the end of the game wins! To make the game more interesting have 5 point bonus questions to the team that guesses the correct puzzle. If they don't know the answer the next team in line gets a shot at it!
--Rachel Stotz
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