Pass the Chicken

Students' review questions
A rubber chicken
Students should be sitting in a circle on the floor. The teacher selects one person to be “it” and gives that person the rubber chicken. The teacher then asks "it" a question (e.g., “name five U.S. Presidents") and then says immediately, "Pass the chicken!”
While the rubber chicken is being passed around the circle, the student has to completely answer the question before the chicken gets back into their hands. If the rubber chicken returns to the hands of the original holder, then that person is still “it.” If the student answers the question before the rubber chicken returns to him/her, then the student holding the rubber chicken is the new “it.” The object of the game is to not get caught with the rubber chicken!
Possible questions:
Name five religious beliefs of the world.
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
Name five of the seven continents.
What was the Populist Party?
Name five alphabet agencies from the New Deal.
Name five major bodies of water.
Name five types of climate.
Don’t be a chicken and play the game!
--Dara Bowser
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