Wheel of History
- Six sided dice
- Adequate supply of category puzzles
- Chalkboard/Whiteboard for category/puzzle display and scorekeeping
- Bank of questions relating to review/understandings of section
- Team captains will shake dice with high dice playing first, second highest next, etc.
- A student is designated to toss the dice for the duration of the game
- Dice is tossed for each question and consonants will be worth the number on the die. Vowels can be chosen but do not receive any points and therefore are best chosen if the die number is a low one
- Teacher reads question and team is allowed 5-7 seconds to answer
- If the correct answer is given the team then picks a consonant or vowel
- Any member of the team guessing can answer a question, but letter selections are made individually so that all team members get a chance to participate at some level
- If the team fails to correctly answer the question goes on to the team next in line
- First team to solve the puzzle wins the round
- First team to win two rounds wins the game
- Each time a team correctly answers a question it picks a letter and the number on the die represents what each letters point value is for that turn
- If the team chooses a vowel, no points can be earned
- Only the team that solves the problem can be awarded points for that round
- First team to 50 points wins the round
- Game does not have to be finished in one session and scores may carry over from one review session to the next
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