Garbage Can Slam Review Game

2. Get an empty garbage can, a ball (a tape ball works best), and a short object (a track baton works best).
3. Divide the class in half and start pairing students up one from each team.
4. One pair stands in front of the class and fields a question from the teacher.
5. The student with the correct answer is allowed to choose the ball or blocking object.
6. The student with the ball takes a shot at the garbage can and the student with the object tries to block.
7. Two points are awarded for the correct answer and one point is awarded for a successful shot or block.
8. If the students who are in front of the class cannot answer the question the rest of the class may answer by raising hands. If the question is answered correctly the student goes to the front of the class and chooses to shoot or block and this does not count as their turn. So, they get to go up again if it is their turn.
9. After each question, two different students come up to answer the next question.
10. Any student who throws the object while blocking will forfeit 3 team points.
--Christ Moen
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